
Assessments during the summer

Byggvarubedömningen's office will be closed during July 15-28, which means that our support, both by email and phone, will be closed during that time. Below is important information on how we handle assessments. Generally, the processing time for assessments, such as feedback on submitted supplements, is longer during the summer.

New assessments and reassessments
To ensure a preliminary assessment with the regular processing time before the holidays, the deadline for applications is June 28. For assessments submitted from June 29 onwards, a preliminary assessment will be provided no later than August 5. It will still be possible to submit applications for assessment throughout the summer, but processing times will change as mentioned above.

Confidentiality assessments
New confidentiality cases will not be processed from June 19 to August 7. The processing time for ongoing confidentiality cases will be longer during the summer.

Sustainable supply chains
The possibility to apply for assessment regarding sustainable supply chains will be limited during the period 24 June - 12 August. We kindly ask for your understanding that processing time for applications received in July and August will be extended.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at!