Sustainable supply chains

Enable wise choices of material for a good living environment. Enable good documentation of built-in materials for future management. Encourage producers of materials to improve their products from an environmental perspective. Encourage the producers of materials to take social responsibility in their supply chain. Be a good and effective tool for documenting and tracking materials, products and their content.

Increased expectations on sustainability

Through products and materials used in construction projects, we are a part of a global supply chain where risks associated with human rights, working conditions, environment and corruption needs to be considered. We also witness increased expectations that companies should act sustainably, and that these expectations come from several directions.


In line with new legal requirements, expectations on sustainability are estimated to be further developed where social aspects and human rights play an increasingly central role. In 2016, the EU non-financial directive regarding requirements for companies to report on sustainability came into force. Within the EU, a new law is now being prepared that requires companies to respect human rights. Another major driving factor is that transparency in the supply chain is getting more and more important, where customers and other actors want to know where products have been produced and that they have been produced under sustainable conditions.


To meet these increased requirements, systematize the work with social aspects as well as highlights its importance, Byggvarubedömningen’s members asked us to develop an assessment system based on these aspects. The social criteria were launched in 2016 and is seen as an initiative to make the construction industry more sustainable. Suppliers can apply for assessment regarding how they comply with the social criteria in their own operations and as well as in the product’s supply chain by answering our self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ). Our members and other users of Byggvarubedömningen can use the criteria to set requirements regarding sustainable supply chains.


Criteria on sustainable supply chains

Byggvarubedömningen’s social criteria focus on four fundamental aspects: human rights, working conditions, environment, and anti-corruption, and are based on international conventions and guidelines such as The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The ILO Core Conventions, The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, The Rio Declaration on Environment and development and The UN Convention against Corruption.


Suppliers are expected to carry out their work in relation to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). According to UNGP, companies have a responsibility to respect human rights. To be able to do this, a systematic work is needed that includes routines and processes for identifying and managing negative impacts on human rights, workers' rights, the environment, and corruption that arise through own operations and in the product’s supply chain.

This means that the suppliers work should include:

  1. A policy commitment
  2. Communicating the policy commitment
  3. Division of responsibility
  4. Procedures for carrying out risk analysis to identify and prioritise risks
  5. Procedures for monitoring compliance and following up risks
  6. Procedures for preventing and managing deviations

In our criteria document, each step is described in detail.


Apply for assessment

It is voluntary to apply for assessment on Byggvarubedömningen’s social criteria, but please be aware that individual requirements can come from our members or other actors.

Suppliers interested in assessment on our social criteria needs to fill in our SAQ. The following documents also need to be included in the assessment:

  • Policy/Code of Conduct, including document that states that it has been approved by senior management (criteria 1)
  • Document that shows that written communication of the policy commitment/Code of Conduct has been done to suppliers linked to the product
  • Documentation of risk analysis (criteria 4)
  • Documentation of mapping the supply chain (criteria 4)
  • Documentation of planned and/or performed follow-up activities (criteria 5)

If you want to apply for assessment, please contact and we will help you further. The SAQ and associated documents will be assessed based on the requirements in our criteria document. Once the assessment has been completed, supplier will either receive feedback that further actions are needed or that the supplier has reached the assessment-level “Recommended” or “Accepted”. A fee is charged ones the supplier applies for assessment on the social criteria. Please see our pricelist for information about fees.