Our assessments

Our mission

Enable wise choices of material for a good living environment. Enable good documentation of built-in materials for future management. Encourage producers of materials to improve their products from an environmental perspective. Encourage the producers of materials to take social responsibility in their supply chain. Be a good and effective tool for documenting and tracking materials, products and their content.


Pricelist - supplier 

Byggvarubedömningen provides a database with health and environmentally assessed products as well as a Logbook tool for documenting these.

To become a customer of Byggvarubedömningen and access our digital services, you create an annual subscription in the Web service, along with a personal user account for each individual user. The annual subscription is valid for 12 months (from the date of subscription) and is a requirement to apply for new assessments, reassessments, or have existing assessments visible to customers in our database. Additionally, it includes numerous benefits for you as a customer, such as free user accounts and webinars.

If your company chooses not to subscribe to an annual plan, Byggvarubedömningen has the option to archive your products in the database. Information about the company's assessments will then be displayed very limitedly in a search in the product database and will also not be able to be added to new Logbooks.


One account with access to search in the database (previous Supplier Full) 
Free number of users accounts (previous Supplier)
A number of assessments depending on level - see below
Reassessments and updates of documents to assessments - free of charge 
  Also still included
Webinars free of charge
Possibility to have an introduction meeting with an assessment officer free of charge
The possibility to have the products added in constructor's Logbooks
  Additional services that can be purchased outside of the annual subscription
Apply for NDA* assessment SEK 6 000 
Apply for NDA* reassessment SEK 1 000 
Acounts with access to search in the database (previous Supplier Full)  SEK 4 800/account/year 
  Participate in a logbook SEK 750 per invitation
Apply for assessment, sustainable supply chains
SEK 5 000

*Non-disclosure agreement

The Annual Subscription level is based on the number of ongoing and published assessments (one assessment can contain one, or more, articles) the company has in the database. New customers choose a level at the time of subscription based on the estimated amount of assessments the company is expected to apply for during the upcoming contract period (12 months from the day the annual subscription is taken). If more assessments are applied for than what is included in the chosen subscription level, the customer will be upgraded to the next level, allowing Byggvarubedömningen to invoice the price difference.

Level Number of ongoing and published assessments** Annual price
1 1-3 SEK 4 000 
2 4-10 SEK 7 000 
3 11-50 SEK 10 000 
4 51-100 SEK 25 000 
5 101-200 SEK 35 000 
6 201 -  Individual offer

**one assessment can contain one, or more, articles

The price is valid per year, and the subscription is ongoing, automatically renewing after each 12-month period.

The annual subscription can be terminated at any time but continues until the end of the agreed period. Non-payment does not count as termination. If the subscription is terminated, the company's assessed products will be archived from the product database after the contract period has expired.

For more than one account regarding discounts:
One account with access to search in the database is always included free of charge in the annual subscription. If you would like to sign up for additional complete accounts, the first account will cost the regular price of 4800 SEK/year. Afterwards, a discount is offered according to the table below. For example, the price for accounts 2-5 would be 3360 SEK each, for accounts 6-20 the price would be 2640 SEK each, and for more than 20 supplier full accounts, they would cost 2200 SEK each. Price is per account and per year.

Accounts 1 2-5 6-20 20+
Discount   30% 40% 50%


A logbook can have unlimited number of participants. Only the owner (creator) will be charged SEK 1 750 per month for the logbook. Invoices are sent out every three months, starting the month that the logbook is created until the month it is deactivated in the system. The project can be deactivated and be re-activated again at a later stage.

Each account is personal and the supplier must under no circumstance allow third parties to access the website by disclosing login details. For complete information regarding the terms and conditions, click here.

Invoices for supplier full account is based on the date that the account was created in the system.

In case of a reminer sends our there will be a Reminders fee 60 SEK. 
in case of the invoice is sent by mail there will be a Invoice fee 50SEK.