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Notification of new criterion for PFAS, change of criterion 0.18 Specifically identified substances and postponement of changes to criteria.
After five years as CEO of Byggvarubedömningen, Hannes Morger, together with the board, has agreed to step down from his role. The recruitment process for finding a new CEO has started.
Byggvarubedömningen will have limited availability during Christmas and New Year, which will affect the speed of assessment processes during this period.
Notification of change of criteria and change of date for two criteria
A total of 52 substances are affected by the ATP 21 update, for products containing one or more of these substances, an update will be launched shortly and will be published in the beginning of November.
In order to continue investing and developing our database and services, a price adjustment for our accounts and Logbooks took effect from April 1st.
The review of the criterion has covered both the structure, the substances that affect the assessment and adding references.