Byggvarubedömningen shows which products meet the Taxonomy
From January 15th, it is now possible to see the connections to the new information in Appendix C, referred to as “the paragraph after f” in Byggvarubedömningen. The launch also brings improved functionality and clearer texts. The product card displays information about the fulfillment of the taxonomy and which product groups (BSAB codes) are covered or not covered by the taxonomy’s requirements.
In the search function, the fulfillment of two different versions of the taxonomy is displayed. The version as it was until December 31, 2024, and the version as it appears now after January 1, 2025, when the launch of the paragraph after f came into effect.
The EU Taxonomy Regulation aims to create a framework to facilitate sustainable investments within the EU. By establishing criteria for what should be considered an environmentally and climate-friendly investment, the EU aims to promote green investments and contribute to a climate-neutral future.
Byggvarubedömningen continuously keeps updated on news within the taxonomy and how these affect us. We are, among other things, part of a swedish aaxonomy network together with assessment companies, certification bodies, construction companies, property owners, and material manufacturers. Here in the newsletter and on our website, we provide continuous updates.