New criterion for PFAS
PFAS are highly fluorinated substances that are a large group of substances that are very persistent in the environment. Many substances also have harmful effects on both humans and the environment. It is of great importance that we reduce and phase out the use and spread of these substances as much as possible.
Byggvarubedömningen has therefore decided to introduce a new criterion for PFAS. Previously, we had an information requirement for PFAS and now we are introducing a separate criterion with content limits for both the Accepted and To be Avoided-levels. When a product contains ≥0.1% it will be assessed with To be Avoided on the criterion. A product containing PFAS will not receive the assessment level Recommended.
The PFAS definition we use is the same as the Swedish Chemicals Agency's, which is the OECD's definition. This includes both polymeric and non-polymeric PFAS substances.
The criterion enters into force September 15th 2025.
Notification of change of criterion 0.18 Specifically identified substances
The criterion means that products containing the covered substance groups cannot be assessed as Recommended on Chemical content. As PFAS will have its own criterion, this substance group will be removed from this criterion.
The criterion change enters into force September 15th 2025.
Postponement of changes to criteria
The following criteria changes were planned to enter into force on February 3rd 2025, but the date will be moved forward to September 15th 2025. The reason is to streamline the work, by merging all changes to the same time. This means that we will have fewer revisions during the year.
- New sub-criterion "Potential endocrine disruptor" (chemical content criteria). This includes, among other substances, Copper and Silver, which are also covered by ATP 22.
- Updated criterion for "Leaching" (Life cycle criterion).
- Updated criterion 'Recycling' ('Life cycle criterion'). Refers to assessment for products containing mineral wool (stone or glass wool) and take-back from construction projects.
- ATP 22 (updated classifications in CLP) is also planned to enter into force on 15 September 2025.