Updated in January 2025.

The EU Taxonomy Regulation was adopted in June 2020 and describes requirements for building materials and building elements with the aim of, among other things, introducing common definitions of what is sustainable.

In this way, it facilitates investors in making sustainable investments that lead to a green transition. For Byggvarubedömningen, the requirements related to the content of hazardous substances in and emissions from building materials are particularly important. We will continuously update regarding the taxonomy and the work we do to implement it.



The construction and real estate industry collaborates on the EU Taxonomy Regulation – focus on hazardous substances in building materials

How does the construction and real estate industry work?

In the autumn of 2022, the assessment companies started a working group that grew to include actors from the entire industry. Today, the group is part of Byggföretagen’s taxonomy network, which includes the following organizations:

  • Assessment companies: BASTA, Byggvarubedömningen, and SundaHus
  • Certification bodies: Svanen, SGBC
  • Construction companies and property owners: Byggföretagen, Fabege, NCC, PEAB, Serneke, Skanska, Sveriges allmännytta, Veidekke, etc.
  • Material manufacturers: Byggmaterialindustrierna/KTF, VVS Fabrikanterna

The goal of the collaboration is to find a common approach to the taxonomy with a focus on hazardous chemicals in building materials. We want to ensure a solution that works in the Swedish market and provides both manufacturers/suppliers and those who are to purchase a product with reliable and verifiable information. The network has carefully followed the development of the taxonomy through published clarifications.

Current status

The approach that has been developed has been presented and accepted in Byggföretagen’s and Fastighetsägarnas taxonomy network and can be read here (in Swedish).

Future work

The taxonomy network will continue to review any updates to the taxonomy and see how we are affected.


The taxonomy and its scope

Ekonomic sectors  Economic activities  Which include material requirements?


  1. Forestry
  2. Environmental protection and restoration activities
  3. Manufacturing
  4. Energy
  5. Water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation
  6. Transportation
  7. Construction and Real Estate Activities
  8. Information and Communication
  9. Highly Specialized, Scientific, and Technical Activities

7. Construction and Real Estate Activities

7.1 Construction of New Buildings

7.2 Renovation of Existing Buildings

7.7 Installation, Maintenance, and Repair of Energy-Efficient Equipment



7.1 Construction of New Buildings - DNSH for “Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution”

  • Includes Annex C & Emissions

7.2 Renovation of Existing Buildings - DNSH for “Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution”

  • Includes Annex C & Emissions

7.7 Acquisition and Ownership of Buildings - DNSH for “Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution”

  • Includes only Annex C