Contact us

You can find answers to frequently asked questions here. Our telephone support is available to provide further assistance if you cannot find the answer to your question.


In order to provide you with the best and fastest possible service, we ask you to be prepared with the product's BVB-ID if your case concerns a specific assessment.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 
9.00 -12.00

Tuesday, Thursday 13.00 - 15:00

Phone +46 87 64 70 71



Accounts & Logbook

In order to be able to provide you with the best and fastest service possible, we kindly ask you to prepare your case, for example include the invoice number or name of the logbook. If possible, please attach, for example, a screenshot so we see the same view as you do.

Monday 13.00 -15.00

Tuesday - Friday 09.00 - 11.00

Phone +46 86 60 00 46
