Global Trade Item Number - GTIN

GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number and is an article number that is used to give products and packaging a globally unique identity. In simpler terms, GTINs are often the same as the barcode on product packaging.

GTIN has been the industry standard for some time and Byggvarubedömningen supports the decision to identify building products with GTIN. As such, we encourage everyone who assesses products with us to indicate GTINs for their items. GS1 has produced a guide to how GTINs can be used in the construction industry. More general information about GTINs in the construction industry and the industry-wide decision can be found on GS1's website.


Why have GTINs for your articles in Byggvarubedömningen?

  • Better accuracy of products in our system
  • Increases the exposure of assessed products in other systems (e.g. wholesalers and builders' merchants) and integrations in the form of increasing the quality of matches
  • Facilitates and enhances the quality of matches
  • There are many different systems in the industry and a major problem for users is that it is difficult to compare products in different systems as the name, supplier, etc. can change. With GTIN, we can be sure that it is the same product

When you apply for a new assessment, you can add both articles and GTINs during the assessment. You can also supplement already published assessments. Read more in our manual.