Assessments according to electronic criteria

The challenges of reporting electronic goods in accordance with applicable requirements have been clarified through discussions within the industry. This is why Byggvarubedömningen has chosen to introduce special reporting requirements and criteria for electronic components where the requirements for substance reporting are lower than our general requirements.

Assessment according to electronic criteria is applicable from 1 October 2022. To clarify the goods covered we have launched a new symbol that you can find on the product card and in our search function.


The challenges of reporting electronic goods in accordance with applicable requirements have been clarified through discussions within the industry. Lengthy supply chains and rapid changes of subcontractors are some of the obstacles to accurate reporting of the content of electronics. This is why Byggvarubedömningen has chosen to introduce special reporting requirements and criteria for electronic components where the requirements for substance reporting are lower than our general requirements.

Electronics contain, for example, flame retardants, plasticizers and alloys, which may in turn be or contain substances with properties that are hazardous to health and the environment. Work to improve knowledge about substance content in electronic goods is therefore important.

Byggvarubedömningen’s new criteria for electronics should be viewed as an exception from our general requirements and this will be time-limited. The aim is that electronic components can be reported in the same manner as other products and goods. Suppliers/distributors that already actively work with their own supply chain and make demands on reporting of substance content will have a head start when the criteria become more stringent. Future, stricter requirements will continue to be designed in dialogue with the electronics industry.

Definition of electronics

Electronics are defined as circuit board laminates and any components mounted on them. Components that are not directly mounted onto the printed circuit board (PCB), due to a lack of space or for functional reasons, are included in this definition. The definition also includes bonders used to mount/link the components to the PCB.

Please note that enclosures, the metal or plastic case that normally covers the electronics, are not included in the definition of electronics. 

Reporting according to electronic criteria

The reporting of the content is divided into two parts: Other and Electronics. All components that are not electronics, i.e. Other, will continue to be substance reported in accordance with our applicable requirements.

The following shall be reported for Electronics:

  • Share of total product comprising electronics in percent by weight (REQUIREMENT).
  • Substances included in the Candidate List ((EC) 1907/2006) must be reported when concentrations have a weight percentage exceeding 0.1 in a component by stipulating CAS No, substance name and concentration (REQUIREMENT).
  • Certificate of compliance with the RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) 
    must be appended (REQUIREMENT).
  • Reporting of the content at substance level and/or through specified main functions/components (SHALL BE PROVIDED ON A BEST-EFFORTS BASIS).


We will assume that all electronics contain brominated flame retardants and show this in the assessment. The basis for a report will continue to be a building product declaration that presents the contents. Substance content/components covered by the definition of Electronics must be clearly marked in the substance declaration, for example in the comments box or as a component. 


When applying for a new assessment, our dynamic application template offers support throughout the application process.


Assessment according to electronic criteria

For goods that contain electronics, the criteria will mean that the reporting of the contents entails lower requirements than for other goods and products, and accordingly electronic goods cannot receive the assessment Recommended.


The assessment is divided into three sections:

  1. Other: substance content is assessed according to our current criteria. The assessment may be Recommended, Accepted or To be avoided.
  2. Electronics: content is assessed using the new criteria. The assessment may be Accepted or To be avoided.  
  3. Lifecycle aspects are assessed for the entire product and according to the criteria currently applicable. The assessment may be Recommended, Accepted or To be avoided.
The overall assessment will be Accepted electronics if each sub-criterion is assessed as Accepted or Recommended. If any criterion receives the assessment To be avoided then the overall assessment is To be avoided electronics.


When applying for an assessment of electronic goods

Byggvarubedömningen strives for accurate substance reports. Our members want to know the actual content of goods incorporated into properties. One requirement in the new criteria is that electronics must be reported on a best-efforts basis. This means content reported could be chemical content for circuit board laminates or specified, constituent components. As applicant, you should only report what you are sure is included in your product and omit everything else. We will not approve standard amounts or other types of estimates or guesswork.


The new reporting requirements only cover when the product contains components defined as electronics. Other goods, such as cables, are assessed using our general criteria.

When looking for information in our system

In composite goods, such as fittings, electronics usually comprise a small share of the total product. You will find differing amounts of information in the electronics reports as some suppliers have more information about contents than others. Do not jump to hasty conclusions on the basis of substance contents that are or are not reported. We have not based the assessment of electronics on anything other than the criteria described above. We are launching these specific criteria for electronics in response to difficulties in making comparative assessments of electronics. Items under Other will comply with current requirements.

Electronic goods and environmental certification

Electronic goods may require deviation management in the event of the environmental certification of buildings. The portion of the product referred to as Other may be accurately reported to comply with the certification system’s requirements. However, our assessment does not make the same demands on the portion comprising Electronics.

To find out more

The Swedish Chemicals Agency’s website contains information about the RoHS Directive, the Candidate List and other legislation (