Supplier / manufacturer / wholesaler

Are you a player who somehow offers a product on the Swedish market? Then, you have probably once or twice thought about how to increase the exposure your product. Byggvarubedömningen is owned by seventy large players who all use the system to look for products that they can use in their projects.

You can also use one of Sweden's largest marketplace's for the construction and buildingrelated products!

By creating a free of charge account as a supplier you can assess and manage your own products in our web service. Apply for assessments of yourproducts, upload all customer-relevant information in the form of product fact sheets, performance declarations, assembly instructions etc. and complement with a proper specification of items covered by each assessment, and then follow the statistics live over the number of searches and projects for which the product was selected!

Why do customers want my product to be assessed?

Property owners setting environmental requirements are now the norm in Sweden. Many of these environmental requirements relate to products and their content. Previously, the requirements were controlled by long "phase-out lists" or "prohibition lists" that each individual property owner sent to their suppliers with the requirement that products purchased must not contain any of these substances. Today, established assessment systems are used more widely. This is because the value of harmonised requirements has become more recognised. Another reason is the large amount of time that must be spent by each individual contractor. Since Byggvarubedömningen carries out the inspection of documentation on each product, the contractor only needs to ensure that the assessment level corresponds to the requirements.

This means that for every new project that is started, everyone involved is expected to check the products on the web service. If a product has received a red assessment (avoid), then other alternatives are investigated, but in many cases a red product must nevertheless be chosen based on other project requirements. Therefore, it is always better that the product is assigned an "avoid" (red) assessment.

Byggvarubedömningen's assessment symbols.

Our assessments

Today, Byggvarubedömningen primarily assesses the chemical content of the product and several life cycle parameters. More and more customers are also requesting information on compliance with human rights in the product's supply chain, which is why it is also possible to self-declare your work and to apply for an assessment also based on these parameters.


When an assessment is completed and published on the web service, it will be exposed to large parts of the market. An example of what a product assessment will be like is shown below. In addition to the assessment below, you as a user also have access to all your uploaded documentation, product description and any installation instructions and operating and maintenance instructions. All this will also be logged in the property owners' projects for future use. So take the opportunity and upload the information you want your customers to have access to!