
Notification of criteria changes


Notification of criteria changes

The economic association of Byggvarubedömningen has decided to introduce changes in criteria for chemical content and life cycle aspects as well as reporting requirements.

The change regarding chemical content refer to PBT, vPvB and potential PBT/vPvB substances, substances classified as aspiration toxic (H304) and environmentally hazardous substances. For the part regarding life cycle aspects, the change refers to the use phase and the criterion regarding energy use.


In connection with the criteria changes, the numbering of the criteria on chemical content will change, which is why several names below will be adjusted before the changes take effect.


More information on how the assessments that will be affected by the criteria changes will be handled will be published in the spring.


PBT, vPvB and potential PBT/vPvB substances

The change means that criterion 0.6 Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic organic substances (PBT), 0.7 Very persistent and very bioaccumulative organic substances (vPvB) and 0.18 Potential PBT/vPvB substances are merged into a new criterion;

0.6 Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances (PBT, vPvB and potential PBT/vPvB).


New criterion 0.6 Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances (PBT, vPvB and potential PBT/vPvB).

The criterion is divided into three sub-criteria:

  1. a) PBT substances, concentration limit <0.1%. Phasing-out substances.
  2. b) vPvB substances, concentration limit <0.1%. Phasing-out substances.
  3. c) Potential PBT and vPvB substances, concentration limit <1%. Priority risk-reduction substances.

The substances have hazardous properties and are referred to as phasing-out and priority risk-reduction substances according to the Swedish Chemicals Agency's PRIO criteria:


For sub-criteria a) PBT substances and b) vPvB substances, this means no change except that they were previously two separate criteria’s, the content limits are the same and the substances are still phasing-out substances.

Regarding sub-criterion c) Potential PBT and vPvB substances a content limit of <1% for assessment level Accepted is implemented. This means that assessment in the future also will take place at the assessment level To be Avoided, where there has previously been no content limit. The definition of potential PBT and vPvB substances is based on the Swedish Chemicals Agency's PRIO criteria, which were updated and clarified during the autumn of 2021. The substances are referred to as priority risk reduction substances.



Environmentally hazardous substances

The change means that sub-criteria 0.17 b) and 0.17 c) are merged into one sub-criterion and the criterion will thus have four sub-criteria. Concentration limits and rules for aggregation are the same as before and comply with the CLP Regulation.


Aspiration toxic H304

The H304 classification is moved from criterion 0.16 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) to criterion 0.14 Toxicity, single exposure. The criterion thus gets a new sub-criterion 0.14 c) Danger of aspiration, category 1 (H304). The sub-criterion is not substance-specific but applies to chemical products that are classified H304. This means that assessment takes place at product level and that there will be no concentration limits for constituent substances for the sub-criterion.


Criterion 4.2 Energy use

Criterion 4.2 Energy use is removed from Byggvarubedömningen’s criteria for chemical content and lifecycle aspects. This is because it is no longer possible to meet the requirements previously set in the criterion.


The changes will take effect in 2022-08-15

Assessments that are affected by any of the criteria changes and that have been published before the changes take effect will be reassessed on the criterion in connection with the update.